24 Apr - Kalau kita bercakap pasal perpaduan kaum di Malaysia, 100% Malaysian will agree with me yang kita tiada masalah langsung dalam hidup berbilang kaum.
Yesterday I got myself involved in one project called Malaysian Artistes For Unity. It's a video clip to fit a song composed by Pete Teo called Here In My Home. There was a bunch of artistes, big names in Malaysia entertainment industry.
There was Maya Karin, Awie, Afdlin Shauki, Jac Victor, Dato' Tony Fernandez (yeah... the big boss of AirAsia), Shebby Singh, Ning Baizura, Reshmonu, Ida Nerina, Amber Chia and more.....
The video director is Yasmin Ahmad and it was great as we had a really fun working atmosphere. The song is probably the first of its kind in Malaysia as there is Tamil Rap next to Malay rock mixed together with Chinese and English pop. Hope with this project, it will keep us unite and harmony under one roof...... Malaysia!

Yesterday I got myself involved in one project called Malaysian Artistes For Unity. It's a video clip to fit a song composed by Pete Teo called Here In My Home. There was a bunch of artistes, big names in Malaysia entertainment industry.
The video director is Yasmin Ahmad and it was great as we had a really fun working atmosphere. The song is probably the first of its kind in Malaysia as there is Tamil Rap next to Malay rock mixed together with Chinese and English pop. Hope with this project, it will keep us unite and harmony under one roof...... Malaysia!
Hey there Badri! how are things? Nice to see you at the shooting few weeks ago. Nanti datanglah ke Planet Hollywood, 1st June nih.. Noryn Aziz performing and kitaorang (me, Atilia and geng) will be there. See ya.
tompang lalu..
nice knowing u bro ;-)
baru je dengar kat blog Mr. Manager...wah menarik juga
1st of all,nak bagitau yg kita 1 of your friend kat sek men dulu.badri sure tak ingat.but that not e matter.kesian plak bunyinya.wahhhh...kita mula ikuti badri punya cerita sejak terbaca news kat h.metro pasal dpt g final 4 karoake world champianship(kwc).tp tak berapa nak hairan sangat coz kita tau yg u punya sora dasat gak.kita rasa u r born 2 be a singer kot.kita x pernah dgr lg single terbaru dr badri.tringin nak dengar.lirik dr faizal tahir .one of the best singer yg boleh pergi jauh.....
nice song..best lagu niee
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