16 Feb - Me, Audi & Faizal Tahir was in one room, dark an cold..... doing nothing but to get the song (yang tajuknya tak tahu lagi) recorded.
But unfortunately, it doesn't happened. My vocal was not good, my body wasn't in the best shape for recording and I just can't feel the song.... gosh..!! Never thought recording will be as hard as this.
Audi and Faizal was all out to motivate me, give me all the tips and trick to click to the song. At the end, Audi call it a day (5.30am) and give me time to get into the zone of the song. But before we go home, we went to A&W PJ to enjoy Ayam Goreng and each other company.
Thank you Audi & Faizal for the tunjuk ajar. Will bring all those tips together in the next recording session.
nampak faizal makin tembam la skrg nie.. tak sabar nak tgu dia perform live on tv....
errr.. faizal ader bg bad tips buka baju tak..ehhee..
just kidding... faizal jgn marah ok...
keep a good work to bad... blm sempat dengar lagi single yg kuar kat hotfm tuu..
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